昨日は年長組の赤鬼パブリックバスツアー。 下岩崎からJR岐阜駅へ、岐阜バスさんの合理的配慮のあるプロフェッショナルな運転に身をゆだねながら、小さな旅が始まりました。何より感謝したいのは、乗客の皆さんの温かい眼差し。まるで春の陽気が人の心にも届いたかのように、優しさがバスの車内を包んでいました。
だからこそ、私たちは新しい一歩を踏み出しています。「伝統と革新の調和」 を理念に掲げ、これまでの良さを受け継ぎながら、未来に向けた教育を提供することを決意しております。
でも、何事も 「最初の一歩」 がなければ始まりません。
ここでの生活が、お子さんにとっての 「かけがえのない時間」 になるかどうか、それは実際に体験してみないと分からないのです。
そして、すでに諏訪幼稚園の一員である皆さま、ぜひお知り合いの方にも 「一度遊びに来てみない?」 と声をかけていただければ幸いです。
— A Note from the New Kindergarten Manager
Yesterday, our senior class embarked on the Red Oni Public Bus Tour. From Shimo-Iwasaki to JR Gifu Station, we entrusted ourselves to the expert hands of Gifu Bus drivers, whose professional and considerate driving ensured a safe and smooth journey. Most of all, we are grateful for the warm gazes of our fellow passengers—kindness filled the bus like the gentle spring air drifting through an open window.
It was a little spring-like day. Even our typically reserved students found themselves stepping lightly, as if swayed by the warmth of the sun. A short trip, yet one that surely left small footprints of adventure in each child’s heart.
Speaking of traditions, have you ever noticed how giant red oni (demons) suddenly appear all over Gifu City around Setsubun? Curious about this phenomenon, I looked into it. It turns out this tradition was started after the war to lift the spirits of Gifu’s citizens. And here’s an interesting fact—the oni are made of bamboo and Mino washi paper, showcasing the craftsmanship unique to Gifu. Once again, I was moved by the culture and creativity embedded in this city.
As Suwa Kindergarten continues to grow, we must strive to bring even more vitality to our community. At Iwasaki bus stop, an elderly woman casually remarked:
“Suwa Kindergarten? Never heard of it.”
Oh dear, is our publicity lacking? A humbling realization. But let’s take it as encouragement! Perhaps next time, we should parade through town holding “Suwa Kindergarten” placards with a small pride, like a well-behaved procession. Our outreach efforts must be stepped up so that more people come to know about us.
One unexpected revelation during our journey was our students’ exemplary use of public restrooms. Observing their neat and considerate behavior made me reflect on my own habits—perhaps I should learn from them! Such manners are a testament to the dedicated guidance of parents and teachers alike.
At Shimizu Park, an elderly gentleman cheered on our children as they crossed a small bridge, one by one. The natural exchange of greetings between our students and those from other kindergartens warmed my heart.
Moments like these remind us that Suwa Kindergarten thrives thanks to the support of this wonderful community.
So, what can we give back in return? A fair exchange would be high-quality early childhood education. We are committed to refining our programs further so that we can continue to contribute to the Gifu community in a meaningful way.
These were the thoughts that filled my mind throughout the day.
ああ、宣伝が足りないのか…。反省しました。励ましと受け取ろう。 次回は、行儀の良いパレードのように**「諏訪幼稚園」のプラカード**を掲げて行進しようか。 岐阜の皆さんにもっと知ってもらえるよう、拡散力を高めねば。
旅の中で気づいたのは、園児たちの公衆トイレのスマートな使い方。 これには思わず「普段の習慣が出るなぁ」と感心しつつも、自分自身を振り返るきっかけにもなりました。親御さんや先生たちの日々の教育の賜物ですね。
清水公園で園児が一人ひとり橋を渡るたびに声援を送ってくれた老紳士。 他園の子どもたちと先生の自然な挨拶の交換。
では、私たち諏訪幼稚園は何を提供できるのか? それは等価交換としての、質の高い幼児教育。 岐阜の地域の皆さんに貢献できるよう、さらなる磨きをかけていきたいと思います。